Tattoos with meaning

Cartoon Tattoo Meaning, Designs & Ideas

Since we were kids, we’ve been enthralled with things like toys, animals and cartoons. Moving forward in life, animals were something that many adults still enjoy while only a certain amount of people or specific groups of people are still fans of toys and cartoons. This isn’t a slight on anyone, however, it is more of a niche part of life that some adults get “too old” for these days. For those that can still find the simple joys in playing games and watching cartoons, a tattoo is a great way to keep the memory alive for something that so many adults think they’ve grown out of.

Tattoos of cartoons are generally an expression of beloved memories of childhood and adolescence when the specific cartoon imagery was first seen. The pieces are nostalgic for the individual, serving as a reminder of a beloved character or set of characters taken from books, movies, or television. There are countless images and styles that can be used to portray the character or characters, but bright, vivid colors and contour lines are most often used to recreate the cartoon imagery.


In this post we are going to talk about some of the more popular cartoon tattoos that we’ve seen and a bit of a history behind them. As with people, there are different generations of cartoons so depending on where you grew up or how old you are might influence you in your cartoon tattoo. We will also talk about the cartoon tattoo meaning and what it symbolizes for those that get these kinds of tattoos. By the end of the post you might feel a bit more versed in the different cartoon tattoos and what they mean.

Cartoon Tattoo Meaning

As with most tattoos that you see, the meaning is generally going to be up to the person that has it. Some symbols have a meaning that is widely accepted but it is up to the person with the tattoo to tell you what it means.

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