Tattoos with meaning

What Does Punisher Tattoo Mean?

If you are looking for a tattoo that sets you apart from the rest and gives you look of “don’t mess with me”, the Punisher tattoo is one of those. This Marvel character is well known for being one tough SOB and for those that have a similar mindset or physical prowess, this tattoo might just be the one that fits you. You may wonder why someone would get this tattoo. You may see a lot of United States soldiers with this tattoo or even police officers.

You may be a fan of the comic book series as well. This makes a lot of sense as the Punisher is one of the most popular Marvel characters out there and people love to represent what they love. The Punisher is one of those characters that just scream toughness and if you are looking to get one, it would help you with that image.


In this post we are going to talk about the origins of the Punisher and what makes him so popular. In addition, we will get into the Punisher tattoo meaning and what it represents for those that choose to get this tattoo. We will also discuss a few of the different variations of the Punisher tattoo that we’ve seen and what they mean if there is a different symbolism. You should be a Punisher fan by the end of this post and possibly even consider getting your own Punisher tattoo.

About the Punisher

The Punisher was born Francis “Frank” Castle Sr. and was a member of the United States Marine Corps. While he was serving in Afghanistan, Castle jointed the Cerberus Squad where he saw things that no person should ever see. Castle started to worry that he was becoming less of an honorable man while he served under Agent Orange so he left the group to return to his family only to have them all murdered by an awful shooting.

At this moment, Frank Castle became the Punisher and was on a mission to exact revenge on any person that had anything to do with the murder of his family. Not only was looking for the ones that killed his family, he was looking to clean up crime in New York City as a whole. Over the course of his journey, he ran into Daredevil. After this, Castle was arrested and sentenced to life in prison despite the effort from Murdock and Nelson. With the help of Wilson Fisk, Castle was freed and discovered that Ray Schoonover was responsible for his family’s death.

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