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Can Keratin Treatment Damage Your Hair?

You’ve probably heard of a keratin treatment and may have even had one yourself. This method promises to deliver silky, shiny hair that’s totally free of frizz. For most of us, that sounds pretty delightful. So why do some women experience keratin hair damage after a treatment?

A keratin treatment, also commonly known as a Brazilian blow-out though there are some differences, is a semi-permanent treatment that straightens the hair to smooth it. Adding so much keratin to the hair using the wrong chemicals, however, can ruin the structural integrity of hair. But first, what exactly is keratin?



What Is Keratin?

Keratin is the structural protein that makes up our hair and skin cells. It reinforces the hair, protecting it against damage and preventing breakage. You may see products at your beauty supply store that claim to contain keratin that can structurally repair hair. 

Because it is naturally occurring in the body, keratin is constantly being produced and its production cannot be altered. It can, however, be depleted faster than it is replenished from over-styling.

You’ve probably witnessed this first-hand after a lot of heat styling from straighteners and hair dryers. Without the proper amount of keratin in the hair, it becomes more prone to breakage, leading to dry, frizzy hair that becomes far too porous.


Can Keratin Treatment Damage Hair?

Yes, the keratin treatment can damage your hair if not done the right way by a professional.


Why Do Keratin Treatment?

As a treatment, keratin is added directly onto the hair alongside other chemicals that work in concert to seal the hair, making it shiny and smooth. The best treatments should contain glyoxylic acid, which is much safe than formaldehyde, a known carcinogen and formerly the main ingredient of keratin treatments in years past. 

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