
Book Inspired Fashion: The Time Traveler’s Wife

Fashion inspiration can be found anywhere, and books are incredible sources for style innovation. Book Inspired Fashion explores these treasure troves, and brings them to you with looks inspired by vibrant characters, far away lands, brilliantly woven plotlines, and more.

Cover Image via Amazon


With winter in full swing, I was reminded of the startlingly realistic chill of The Time Traveler’s Wife. Not only does it give me shivers because of the depth and emotion of the romance, but it also gives me goosebumps because of the very literal chilly, snowy scenes. So, I dug up my copy again for inspiration, and decided to take advantage of the pure sensory pleasure of reading this book.

Since this is my very first “Book Inspired Fashion” post, I also chose this book because there is some familiarity with the title – many of you have heard of it, and it is a book that many of you may identify with.

I’ve created three looks based on this book, and was so overwhelmed by the amount of fashion inspiration that I found as I flipped through it – the writing just conjures up vibrant images in your mind in the best way possible. Before we get to the outfits though, here’s a little bit of background on the novel.

Table of Contents

Reading Between the Lines

The Time Traveler’s Wife, published by artist Audrey Niffenegger in 2003, broke ground as a stunning love story with a disconcerting philosophical edge. Henry DeTamble is a librarian who, since the age of 5, has time traveled sporadically. His wife, Clare Abshire, is an artist and paper sculptor with whom he shares a haunting love that transcends time and space.

The book primarily spans from the 1970s to the the mid 2000s, and features both protagonists at almost every age throughout their lives. I really appreciated how absolutely real the characters felt. This was no perfect, idyllic relationship, and you’ll discover more heart-wrenching twists and turns as you read on.

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