
80s Fashion Guide: The Hottest Trends & Outfit Ideas

1980s Bloomingdale’s advertisement

’80s fashion is a little like fight club, in that the general rule is to talk about it as little as possible.

While ’90s and ’70s looks have been resurfacing for years now, it’s taken us a bit longer to re-embrace ’80s fashion. Perhaps it’s because we’re still shaken by the crazy prints and parachute pants of the decade. And that’s not even bringing up the hair! 


All jokes aside, though, there’s a lot we can learn from ’80s fashion. After all, is there any other era that was so unashamed of making a statement? While we usually associate the ’80s with neons and bold patterns, jelly bracelets, and kinda ridiculous makeup (seriously, google any picture of Cindy Lauper), it also brought us athletic-inspired trends, a re-imagining of glam rock style, and fashion icons like Madonna and Molly Ringwald. The ’80s challenged how big, bright, and bold we dared to be.

{RELATED POST: ’80s Style Clothing Ideas You Should Try This Spring}

So if you’d like to see how you can bring back a bit of the 80’s, check out these three looks of varying levels of ’80s-ness. Grab your fanny pack and keep scrolling!

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80s Fashion Outfit #1: You Better Work

Products: Leggings – Yoins, Shirt – Victoria’s Secret Pink, Watch – Amazon, Shoes – Amazon

While the full intensity of the ’80s aerobics trend may be a bit much for your day-to-day look (leg warmers, anyone?) the overall idea of the style is super fun and super comfortable. 

For a more 2019 take on an athletics-inspired look, start with a casual varsity tee and pair it with these amazing galaxy leggings, which harken back to the bright tights of the ’80s. Some sneakers – Converse in this case – keep you ready to go. This jelly watch is a little throwback to the bright bangles that could be found on any cool ’80s teen. 

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