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Top 60 Best Retaining Wall Ideas – Landscaping Designs

The advanced landscaper is inclined to regard the retaining wall as a kind of engineering masterwork, an invaluable tool for crafting an outdoor space with optimum beauty and enjoyment in mind.

Designed for preventing soil and plant life from escaping or overrunning elevated terrains, retaining walls serve a dual purpose: containment and refinement.


And thanks to today’s style-savvy array of retaining wall ideas, you can shape your environment to suit your personal tastes and outdoor needs alike.

From natural piled stones to industrial sheet metal, as well as wood-paneled boxes and raw concrete, there are a number of retaining wall styles that evoke a decidedly modern edge without detracting from the natural beauty of one’s outdoor space. Retaining walls can be simple and unobtrusive or eye-catching works of landscaping art; there is no right or wrong when it comes to creating your own outdoor perspective.

Your front and back lawns are extensions of your home and/or work, and often leave the first and final impression. All the more reason to invest a little extra time and effort into elevating it into one worth remembering, right?

Practical but undeniably attractive, retaining walls maintain a vista’s natural elements while cleverly solving some of the most common landscaping issues. An expert retaining wall not only controls but creates unique new planting opportunities that only a multi-level landscape can offer.

More than just a casual necessity, a retaining wall is your chance to construct and enhance your outdoor panorama. In the end, no detail is too insignificant when it comes to curating your own personal Eden.


1. Stone Retaining Wall Ideas

Stone retaining walls are very strong and super attractive, so it’s no wonder they’re as popular as they are. There are several varieties of stone retaining walls, but for this category we’ll stick to natural, fieldstone retaining walls. If you have the fieldstone already, they’re an affordable and effective way to hold back some earth.

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