Men's lifestyle

50 Hobbies For Men That Are Worth Taking Up

Become A Quizmaster

This is a scientific fact: every man wants to be the grandmaster of trivia and general knowledge (okay that may not be scientific, but it is a fact – as a true trivia master would know). Bone up on history and popular culture to get serious about the pub quiz circuit.

Retro Gaming

A famous 1990s study found first-time players of Tetris had a thickening of the cerebral cortex – learning the game was stimulating the brain and activating neural circuits. It’s not just Tetris either, but when learning any game. With retro gaming on the 1up, what a great excuse to re-learn Mario, Street Fighter and Pac-Man. Who says hobbies for men have to be serious?


Learn To Play A Musical Instrument

It’s one of the most commonly cited hobbies for men for helping increase IQ. And there’s evidence that playing a musical instrument changes the structure and function of the brain, with parts of your grey matter that control memory, hearing and motor skills becoming more active. Plus, playing ‘Sweet Child Of Mine’ on the accordion is quite the party piece.

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