Cars and rides

The Top 22 Weirdest Cars Ever Made

Throughout automobile history, many designers have dared to be different by designing vehicles that are boldly ingenious yet characteristically odd. Everyone knows about many of the world’s most famous cars like the Ferrari F40, the Lamborghini Aventador, and the Chevrolet Corvette, but few know about the weirdest cars ever created. 

Usually how a car is designed is based on how marketable it will be, but that isn’t always the case. The vehicles on our list are some of the weirdest cars ever made. It’s highly likely that you have never even heard of many of the models we talk about, like the Popemobile, the Stout Scarab, and the Pontiac Aztek. 


Many of the weirdest cars made were purposely designed to be peculiar and intriguing, and others were specifically engineered to be humorous and a novelty. Most of the weird cars on this list aren’t conventionally attractive, and some aren’t even aesthetically pleasing, but they are definitely eye-catching and memorable. 

Interestingly many of the cars on our list are concept cars that are not limited by governmental regulations and practicality. Others were specifically designed for a purpose which they fulfilled. Now that your interest is piqued, let’s take a closer look at the top 22 weirdest cars ever built.

1. Ferrari 512s Modulo

Morio, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

“1970 Ferrari 512 S Modulo” (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) by hyperion327

Morio, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Ferrari is well known for creating some of the most extraordinary racing cars, so, unsurprisingly, they have also created some of the weirdest yet most visually appealing vehicles in automotive history. One of the strangest Ferrari models to exist is the Ferrari 512s Modulo concept car, which Paolo Martin designed from the Italian Carrozzeria Pininfarina. 

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