Men's lifestyle

50 Hobbies For Men That Are Worth Taking Up

“So, do you have any hobbies?” These days that feels like a quaint question. Hobbies for men sounds like something from a rose-tinted past where extra-curricular activities might have included something more wholesome than Facebook, Netflix or five ill-judged pints of pale ale. Well, let’s change that.

We need more hobbies. Because frankly we could all do with a distraction or two. In a world that’s always on, always charged, where to-do lists are never-ending and everyone’s addicted to their screens, a hobby gives you an out. They’re a way to unplug, relax, meet people (in physical, 3D form no less) and serve up an antidote to the general burnout of modern life.


Below, we’ve found no less than 50 best hobbies for men, each of them designed to tackle an unwanted symptom of the rat race. Have fun.

Hobbies For Men That Limit Your Screen Time

Modern life is mostly just sitting down and staring at a screen. In the office. At home. On the bus or the train. Let’s be honest, you’re doing it right now. And we all know that feeling of mental screen burn: that slightly wired fuzziness behind the eyes. The effects are real.

Studies have reported shrinking of brain tissue and impaired cognitive function from excessive screen time. A report from last year confirmed US adults were spending over 10 hours each day staring at a screen, while a UK study revealed we spend more time on devices than in bed. Prolonged TV viewing has also been connected to increased risk of diabetes and heart disease.

These hobbies for men will get you away from the screen and stimulate both body and mind.

Urban Orienteering

Staring at your phone’s GPS isn’t just giving you screen-related fatigue, it’s stopping your brain’s ability to work things out – in this case directions – for itself. Urban orienteering is a half race, half mental challenge: reading a (real) map, while running, outdoors. The perfect hobby as well as remedy.

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