Tattoo ideas

What Does Queen of Hearts Tattoo Mean?

Playing card tattoos seem to be all the rage these days, and the queen of hearts tattoo ranks right up there near the top. First off, it’s part of the hearts suit, which is popular for a number of reasons all on its own. Secondly, the queen herself is a strong symbol of femininity and power. Combined the queen of hearts tattoo can symbolize quite a few great things, so it’s no wonder so many people choose to get it. Below you will find some of those meanings and some ways that these tattoos can be designed.

The queen of hearts tattoo is definitely the playing card tat to get if you want a card that symbolizes love in all of its many forms. It’s a pretty cool way to still get the heart in a love tattoo but in a unique way. This is the default meaning that comes with the tattoo so you really don’t have to alter the card in any way for people to understand what it means. Of course, you can add it to other love tattoos or simply mix in other love images if you want to go all-out with your design.


Another reason why someone might get the queen of hearts tattoo is because they are fans of Alice in Wonderland. The character, who is actually known as the Queen of Hearts, is the antagonist of the story, but she also represents power. People who get this type of queen of hearts tattoo design will often use one of the versions from the newest movies, either the one from the Disney animated film or the one played by Helena Bonham Carter.

Another cool meaning that comes with the queen of hearts tattoo is willpower. It’s a different way to go with this meaning since most people will use more obvious symbols, but it’s a good one nonetheless.
Sometimes people will get their queen of hearts tattoos to show that they have sexual desires and they are proud of it. This is a great choice for anyone who wants to use this “sexuality” meaning without having to get overly sexual images on their bodies. These tats can look nice near the waste, on the thigh, or even down the small of the back.

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