Tattoo ideas

Top 109 Best Gypsy Tattoos – [2021 Inspiration Guide]

For centuries we have been telling stories about the exotic and mysterious people known as gypsies (although this term is considered pejorative these days)Traditionally known for their musical talent, wayfaring lifestyle and often unscrupulous nature these romanticized vagabonds have been the subject of intrigue and ridicule around the world.  

While there are enough myths and stories about this unique travelling cultureit has its roots in reality. The Romani or Roma people are a distinct ethnic group that migrated from India sometime in the 6th century, making their way to Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, and eventually the Americas.  


The Roma have a distinct culture that draws from their origins on the sub-continent as well as their stops along the way in Russia and Eastern Europe leading to an artistic sensibility, family structure and musical style that is an interesting mixture of East and West. These people have also faced persecution and prejudice for centuries due to their outsider status and migratory tendencies.  

Thanks to the mysterious and exotic associations that many people have with the Roma they have become symbolic of a carefree existence, going wherever the wind may take them and having a freedom that many can only aspire to. Because of these characteristics—some real, some constructed—the Roma and their rambling lifestyle have become powerful symbols in art and culture, and the world of tattoos is no exception.  

1. Black and Gray Gypsy Tattoos

There is just something about black and gray tattoos. They have a classic quality, an understated elegance, about them that is hard to capture with color ink. In the hands of a talented artist, black and gray ink can evoke memories of classic films like Casablanca or Citizen Kanecreating a nostalgia that brings old memories back into focus. While this style can be applied to any number of motifs and designs, the pieces inspired by stories of the gypsies of the past are especially suited for this style.  

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