Men's fitness

The Best Arm Workouts To Fill Your T-Shirt Sleeves

When it comes to a man’s reasons for hitting the gym, aside from getting the abs of Brad Pitt in Fight Club, it’s likely that he wants to boost his biceps and fill out those T-shirt sleeves a la Mark Wahlberg in Pain & Gain. Or Mark Wahlberg in Boogie Nights. Or Mark Wahlberg in The Fighter. Or, Mark Wahlberg in pretty much anything he’s ever been in.

But while the former CK model/rapper was unavailable to help with this piece, we were able to rope in some of the best personal trainers around to break down the best arm workouts for men to see (and flex) good results.


Why, Exactly, Do I Want Big Arms?

A good question. “What’s the first thing that’s noticeable about people who train?” asks James Castle-Mason, expert PT at London’s Roar Fitness. “If they’ve got big arms, they fill out a shirt well. A big set of arms tells people immediately that you can handle yourself and that you look the part. Having big arms can work wonders for a guy’s confidence and shows people you’re serious about training, plus earning a few looks over people’s shoulders.”

Keith McNiven, founder of London based personal training company Right Path Fitness agrees. “Every guy wants to work on their arms; it’s up there with the chest and back as the ‘power 3’ that give that defined upper body appearance. Arms in particular though are usually on show, so men tend to be more motivated to make sure their guns are looking their best.”

Aesthetics aside, there is a functional reason for strong-arming your physique. “By training your arms, you also develop the muscles that play key roles in the development of back, chest and shoulder muscularity too,” explains Castle-Mason. That makes you stronger all-round, something you’ll appreciate whether you’re a rugby player, a busy father or a bit of both.

Got it? Then let’s get on with the best arm workouts for men.

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