
Baby Growth During Pregnancy

Once the conception is done, there is a lot going on inside you. Way more than your mind can fathom. From the first week of pregnancy which is when you happen to see the pink line in a home pregnancy test, there is a lot going on inside your body and being an expecting mum, you should definitely know about baby growth in pregnancy.


Doctors generally mark out three trimesters for all mums-to-be. The division is like this:

♦ The first trimester covers from week 1 to week 12

♦ The second trimester covers from week 13 to week 26

♦ The third trimester is from week 27 till the time of birth.

The Process of Baby Growth in Pregnancy :

The Pregnancy baby growth is a unique process of development and is one of a kind experience for every expecting mother.

After the conception, the embryo is formed. An embryo is a developing pregnancy from the time of fertilization until the end of the eight week of gestation. As you enter into your first month, the baby is an embryo which has two layers of cells and all the organs will start to develop from these two layers of cells. In the first three weeks after your last periods, the fertilized egg starts moving from the fallopian tube towards the womb because it is in the womb that the baby will get all nourishment through the amniotic sac which is necessary for development.

In the second month, the baby is as big as a kidney bean. It is in constant movement and has webbed fingers. This constant movement helps the baby reach the womb.

The baby growth during pregnancy in the third month results in the formation of a unique finger print for your child. The size of the baby now is comparable to a pea pod. The face will now start slowing forming. Gradually, the facial muscles will start to move. However, the baby will be unable to control this movement. The nervous system will also develop, allowing your baby to flex its limbs. Her hands will be able to form a fist and touch each other and also hold both hands together when they touch. In the fourth month of growth of baby in pregnancy, the skeletons which were rubbery till now will slowly start hardening. The eyes will begin to form and if a mother has been feeling constantly sick and tired, the feeling should go away by the end of this month. From the fourth month onward the famed baby bump is visible because the womb grows in size in order to accommodate the growing baby. The urge to urine more often which was dominant in the past three months will start to reduce now. This happens because in the initial three months of pregnancy, your uterus pushes against your bladder which reduces its holding capacity. As the womb moves upwards, your bladder is released of the pressure.

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