
What Does Avocado Do for Your Hair, New Avocado Hair Masks for 2022

Is avocado good for your hair?

Can I put avocado on my hair? How? Does avocado help hair growth?

We already know avocado tastes good in Asian cuisine and salads. However, it has a range of healthy features not everyone is aware of: for example, using avocado for hair can greatly improve the look of your locks.


So, is avocado good for hair and how does it help? Are there any key tips on an avocado hair treatment one should know about? Let’s find out.

By Di Queen Tamara What Does Avocado Do for Your Hair?

First of all, avocado benefits for hair are explained by the fruit’s natural oils, “good fats” (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated), and biotin – a profoundly helpful subtype of vitamin B. While the oils are primarily good for dehydrated and parched tresses, the vitamins it contains do a very good job of nourishing the scalp. Ergo, it is applicable for hair growth and regrowth, especially for dry hair, while featuring a nice moisturizing effect and averting hair loss.

By Chnabelle Eating Avocado for Hair Growth

As avocado is a cradle of biotin, including this B-group vitamin in your daily meals can greatly assist on the way to great hair. It’s important to consume this fruit fresh, as B and C vitamins are lost during the extraction process due to their solubility in water.

By Marlena Izdebska Is Avocado Oil Good for Hair?

Avocado oil is squeezed from the flesh of the fruit, which is rich in fats and can contain up to 30% of the oil itself. It is a treasure trove of vitamins A, D, and E, as well as an excellent source of potassium and lecithin. Thus, you can really benefit from using avocado oil for hair growth. It is often found in products for skin and hair care thanks to its fast absorption as well. The oil strengthens, soothes, and protects while giving smoothness and elasticity. Although, despite the fact that avocado oil is one of the healthiest cooking oils, high in monounsaturated fat and oleic acid, we do not recommend using a COOKING avocado oil on your hair and scalp. It may cause irritation and clog pores. Use specially formulated HAIR oils to see the best results.

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