BeautySkin care

How To Use Almond Oil For Acne Scars?

Were you aware that you could use almond oil for acne scars? Almond is oil straight from pressed almonds, that acts as an extremely effective treatment for acne. Its mild and hypo allergic properties is suited best for even sensitive skin. Almond oil is also now and then referred to as sweet almond oil.


Almond oil is frequently preferred to other oils while it is light and is not greasy. With its high levels of fatty acids, almond oil has been used to treat skin problems, such as acne, eczema, or psoriasis, since earlier times, making it one of the most preferred oils for acne treatment. It is also rich in Vitamin E and anti-oxidant properties that will make your skin soft and supple.

How to Use Almond Oil for Acne Scars:

Here are the best methods to use almond oil for acne:

1. There are quite a few different methods to make the best use of almond oil for acne scars. Wash your hands and face and take some drops of almond oil on your hands and massage it onto the face, leaving it soak in. Try this before going to the bed at night and wash off in the morning.

2. Almond has fatty acids which dissolve the sebum that causes acne. Clean your hands and face. Decant some almond oil onto your hands and massage it on your face preferably earlier than going to bed. When you leave it overnight, your skin will absorb the oil to get rid of the debris. Its vitamin A property is will reduce the acne.

3. One more additional benefit of by almond oil is that you can combine it with other oils, for example evening primrose oil, tea tree oil, sea buck thorn oil otherwise jojoba oil, to name a few, for a custom moisturizer formula. Utilize a couple drops of almond oil mixed by a couple drops of evening primrose oil as a sunrise moisturizer, to this, then a blend of almond oil, evening primrose oil, sea buck thorn oil, plus tea tree oil and apply at night before going to bed.

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