See More: Can You Do Squats While Pregnant
6. Side-Lying knee Lifts:
Lie on your right side with your right hand stretched out under your head. Push both your legs to a 90 degree position and slowly lift them up and land them back with control. Repeat it the same number of times on the other side.
7. Standing Bicycle:
In standing bicycle put yourself in the position as same as you did in standing crunches. As you crunch forward lift your right knee toward your chest and twist so that your left elbow comes to the right knee.Return to the original position and repeat by using alternative knee and elbow. Repeat this 15-20 times to have good abs.
8. Standing Toe Touches:
Begin by standing position, and then raise your both hands above your head. Bend forward taking your arms also forward and lift your right leg upwards. Return to the original position and repeat this 15-20 times.
9. The Plank:
Start by putting your forearms on the ground exactly below your shoulders and rise on your toes so that your body is in a long flat line. Remain still in this position for about 10 –60 seconds based on your capacity.
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These abdominal exercises during pregnancy will help you get back in shape sooner after delivery and also help you to be healthy throughout your pregnancy time.If you overdo these ab exercises while pregnant it could be dangerous as this can have harmful effect on you as well as your baby. So do not push yourself too hard instead,do it with ease to make sure that you as well as your baby is safe.