
8 Months Pregnant: Signs,Symptoms and Fetal Development

You are 8 months pregnant! This means, you are probably just one more month away. This month will be filled with anxiety and excitement. What you could do best to keep them down is to actually divert your mind by doing other things that will keep you busy. Remember to always go by your diet and never skip your everyday dose of positivity and walk. Keep things going, your anxiety will fall in place.

On the other hand, so many things happen to your baby and you. What to do in eight month of pregnancy? Well, there is so much. We’ll tell you everything about it.


How Many Weeks Pregnant Are You?

Wondering how many weeks in 8 months pregnant? Well, you are in your week 32-35. This means, this is your third trimester and you have roughly about a month or 5-8 weeks to delivery. However, this will depend from one woman to another. Not everyone goes until week 40 and tend to deliver even before.

8 Months Pregnant Belly: What Does it Look Like?

At this point, your belly is big, mostly because of the increasing size of the baby it assumes every day. This will put an added pressure on the abdomen and thus you may have to urinate frequently. 8 months pregnant fetus will be in a head-down position and will stay so until the time for its delivery. 8 months pregnant baby size is that of a cantaloupe.

8th month pregnancy baby weight is about two to four pounds and 14 inches in height.

See More: 9th Month Of Pregnancy Symptoms

What To Think About This 8th Month Of Pregnancy:

Now in her second last month, the mother admits that the worry until she can hold her young one in her arm stays with her till the time ends. Until the birth-giving process, every mother is filled with worries which change every month. This month it is all about how to do it when the actual time comes? The thought of the process which she had played melodiously in her mind the months before now is taking a slight horror turn. What if she can’t execute the deed as properly and neatly she should she ponders.

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