
10 Sure-Shot Tips To Get Pregnant Quickly

Have you decided to enter the world of parenting? Congratulations on the decision! The joy of holding your little one cannot be described in words. But before that, you need to know how to get pregnant to kickstart the journey of parenthood. This article is for those who are trying to conceive and improve their chances of fertility.



  • What is Pregnancy and How do You Get it?
  • Understanding The Stages of Menstrual Cycle
  • Best Time to Try for Pregnancy
  • Right Age To Get Pregnant
  • Tips on How To Get Pregnant
  • Problems Faced While Trying to Conceive
  • Treatments to Infertility Problems in Men and Women
  • Chances of Pregnancy After Miscarriage
  • When Should You See a Fertility Doctor?
  • FAQ’s

What is Pregnancy and How do You Get it?

Pregnancy is a condition when the woman carries the unborn fetus within her body. It happens when the male sperm meets the female egg in the fallopian tube and gets fertilized. This egg, now called the Zygote, moves down to the uterus where it develops as the fetus. You can get pregnant through sexual intercourse or an artificial process like the In vitro fertilization or IVF.

In the following sections, we shall help you understand the “right time” to conceive by discussing about your menstrual and ovulation cycles, along with tips and precautions for getting pregnant.

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Understanding The Stages of Menstrual Cycle:

From the time of her puberty, a girl experiences menstruation each month until her menopause. During each menstrual cycle, a series of changes happen within the body to prepare it for a possible pregnancy. It is important to understand this cycle to control or plan for your pregnancy and take suitable measures at the right time.

A typical menstrual cycle of a woman can be divided into four phases:

  • Menstruation.
  • Follicular Phase.
  • Ovulation.
  • Luteal Phase.


This is the first stage of your cycle and starts when you get your monthly periods. During this phase, the body gets rid of the unwanted thickened lining in your uterus. This is because the egg from the previous month remains unfertilized and the uterus no longer requires this lining which it makes to support pregnancy.

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