
16 Yoga Poses to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a great time for you and your inner motherhood. Channel it the right way and you will feel perfect about yourself. However, it might not be the same for you if you aren’t very keen on gaining all that extra weight. Yoga should obviously help, but you need to keep it in check so you don’t overdo it and affect your health in turn. So, we listed here are some of the yoga positions to avoid during pregnancy detailing about which yoga poses to avoid when pregnant.


Yoga Poses to Avoid in Pregnancy:

Below is the list of Yoga positions to avoid during pregnancy:

1. Chaturanga Dandasana:

Talking of the first yoga pose that you need to avoid while pregnant, it is Chaturanga Dandansna (Four-Limbed Staff Pose). Chaturanga of course involves a sharp fall and a step on your heels. Which should be a problem if your belly alignment isn’t right. It could put your baby into risk and it would be the best possible to avoid this move on a whole. Instead, a better idea would be to try a plank or a lower Chaturanga.

2. Marichyasna:

There shouldn’t be any closed twist in your pregnancy yoga routine since this implies that your belly will go deeper into your thigh. Worse enough, this might rotate your spine and chances are your babies won’t be too delighted about the whole idea.

3. Chakrasana (Wheel Pose):

Yoga to avoid during pregnancy is back bend like the wheel pose since as your belly gets bigger, you risk abdominal tearing and wearing your back out even more.

4. Balasana (Child’s Pose):

The child’s pose might sound oh-so-easy and might actually be safe during the second trimester, but by the third trimester, your baby is starting to turn head first and it should mean a big no more these poses like inversions and headstands.

5. Hot Yoga:

Temperature isn’t something that should be in your things to look up. Women with high-temperature surroundings tend to have a bigger risk of miscarriage than usual. Neural tube defects are particularly common as well. Hot yoga is exactly what fits into this list and hence should be avoided on a whole. Sauna yoga and yogas that involves working out in the sun should be kept a distance from.

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