
35 Weeks Pregnant? Know The Important Symptoms, Tips And More

Yay! 35 weeks pregnant though! You are almost there! Now, your baby has very few days left inside the womb. And ,now it is almost ready for life outside in the real world. They’ll probably weigh around 5.5lbs in the 35th week and will be around 46.2cm (18 inches) in length.

They will be doing lots of practice with suckling movements. And, is ready to latch on for that very first post-birth feed. Will be starting to move further down your pelvis prepared for the D-day.


The baby as the days roll by requires a constant monitoring and therefore the entire of the nine month pregnancy process is separated into a weekly format where in medical terms 40 weeks make up the entire pregnancy process. This is why by the 35th week you know you are already edging towards the final day.

Table of content:

  1. Months And Trimester Indicating 35 Weeks Of Pregnancy
  2. Facts To Know About Your Baby Movements
  3. 35 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
  4. Physical and Psychological Changes
  5. 35 Weeks Pregnant Baby Size And Weight
  6. Baby & Belly Looks Like In 35 Weeks Pregnant
  7. Baby Positioning During 35 Weeks Of Pregnancy
  8. Week Diet and Exercise
  9. 35 weeks pregnant Weight Gain
  10. Sex During This Week
  11. Week Tips and Precautions for 35 Weeks Pregnancy
  12. Changes In Pregnant Lady
  13. Medical Tests And Scan During 35 Weeks Of Pregnancy
  14. What Are The Precautions To Take During 35 Weeks Of Pregnancy?
  15. Thirty Five Weeks Possible Pregnancy Problems
  16. First Time Pregnancy After Age 35
  17. Checklists During 35 weeks pregnant
  18. 35 Weeks Pregnant Pain And Discomforts

Months And Trimester Indicating 35 Weeks Of Pregnancy Fetus:

In the final stage, i.e., the third trimester of your pregnancy. Your baby is expected to move a lot, and the movements will become more and more evident to you. As your transition from your 7th month to 8th, your baby will be 14 inches long and weigh around 1 kg. And, it will respond to stimuli, including sound, pain, and light. Which means that if you sing a lullaby, your baby will hear you. Your diet would have worked if your baby is keeping good all this time. The balanced diet always works, that is what you need the right amount of folic acid, protein and choline to give nutrients and rich vitamins to your baby’s health. Do continue to follow for the next five weeks as well.

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