
How Breast Changes During Pregnancy ?

Getting pregnant is the most awaited and beautiful phase of a woman’s life. Giving birth to a new life makes you feel wonderful and special in a different way. It not only gives a new member to the family but a new life for the mother too.


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From the first sensation of something growing within you, till the time the baby is by your side there are a lot of physical changes a woman experiences. With the belly being the only major visible physical change, you experience other changes too that is not visible, but can be felt. Amongst it are changes in your breast that can only be felt by the pregnant woman. Read ahead for the changes you usually feel during those 9 months.

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Breast Changes During Pregnancy:

First Trimester – Week 1 to Week 13:

Breast changes during early pregnancy (or) first trimester that you can feel. This is similar to the changes you used to feel during your periods. The breasts become painful, sore and very sensitive to touch. Some also feel tingling and itchiness around the breasts. There are times you do not feel like wearing a bra, but this is not the perfect solution.

To deal with this phase, try massaging the breasts in smooth circular motions using natural oil that does not have a pungent smell. Try not to use aroma oils or oils having ones that cause tingling. Using soft comfortable bras can also bring relief.

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Second Trimester – Week 13 to Week 26:

As you approach mid pregnancy, hormonal changes are active and changes in the overall body also become visible. You tend to lose your waistline and prepare the body for the baby’s growth within you. As for the breasts, you can feel the need to move a size up with your underwear. While the pain continues, it is important to know that the breasts are now preparing milk glands which will help in breast feeding the child without much inconvenience. You might also see that the nipples become dark and aureola bigger.

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