
13 Weeks Pregnant- Symptoms and Baby/Fetal Development

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13 Week Pregnant: Signs and Symptoms

Some of the symptoms at 13 weeks of pregnancy are as follows. Our list includes both physical and psychological changes.


1. Breast Changes:

Your breast will continually undergo a lot of changes. Your breasts will have little bumps around the areola. These bumps are known as “Montgomery’s tubercles” and are a normal change during pregnancy. Continue to wear a loose bra until you feel comfortable and the soreness is gone. If the lumps hurt, an ice compress will help heal the pain.

See More: 12th Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

2. Ligament Pain:

Round ligament pain may feel like sharp pain or cramps or sometimes even a dull ache. You will experience on the right side of the abdomen. One way to avoid round ligament pain is by not moving your positions too quickly. Medication is not advised as it can interfere with drug interaction.

3. Pregnancy Gingivitis:

Since your body has doubled the blood circulation now, swollen and tender gums may be a common experience during pregnancy. It can also soften the gums and cause minor irritation while you are flossing or brushing your teeth. To overcome the situation you are put in right now, the best thing to do is limit the speed at which you brush. This will avoid careless cuts. Since otherwise, not only will these cuts lead to infection, but the bacteria forming might also go down with your food to your stomach.

4. Weight Gain:

Weight gain is very normal during pregnancy. By the 13th week, you should be aiming to gain 25 to 30 pounds and this is the recommended weight gain. Switch over to healthy foods to overcome the excess weight gain, however, exercising will add more benefits on your list.

5. Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath happens throughout your pregnancy. In the first trimester, the high level of progesterone can make your breathing really difficult as the body is adjusting to the new hormones. This is usual. One way to avoid this is to actually give your lungs a lot of space for breathing. Sit up straight and sleep on high levels so that it can expand the space in your abdominal area.

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