Hair adviceHair care

My Zero Waste Hair Care Routine with Tips and Essential Products

Have you ever looked at the ingredient list of your latest hair styling product? And did you understand everything listed and now know exactly what you put on your head each day? I bet the answer is ‘no’. Willingly, we decide to overload our biggest organ, the skin, with chemicals and all sorts of nasty things when it is absolutely unnecessary. Keep reading to see how all-natural and zero waste hair care looks like!

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Why Look After Your Skin and Hair

The skin absorbs everything you put on it. So why would we put something on one of your organs which we would never put on or in another organ inside of our body?

Two years ago I have decided to put only things on and in my body which I was also willing to eat. That meant that every time I finished a product I would go and look for a chemical and plastic free, natural, vegan version of it. If I couldn’t find anything, I would make it by myself!

Newly being on the minimalist lifestyle, I questioned everything: Did I really need a conditioner or expensive hair masks? What makes most sense for my hair? Which natural products are good for my special hair type and which are not?

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12 Ingredients You Should Avoid

Consciousness starts from a research. Let’s have a look at the most common bad boys in your list of ingredients.

  1. Alcohol: Not every type of alcohol is bad for the hair. Make sure that your product only contains organic alcohol types that start with ‘s’ or ‘c’. These can moisture the hair. Avoid everything else.
  2. Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate or Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS): Although sulfates strip the oils from your hair, they also leave them dry, ‘naked’ and vulnerable to any harmful. SLS is also responsible for the foam which can lead to toxic effects.
  3. Chemical fragrances: Stick to natural aromas that are organic and derived from plants.
  4. Cocamidopropyl Betaine: An ingredient that increases foam. It can cause irritations on the skin.
  5. Diethanolamine (DEA) and Triethanolamine (TEA): Studies have shown that these ingredients can cause cancer.
  6. Dimethicone: This silicon makes your hair shiny but also makes it greasy very quickly again. It can also clog your pores and thus lead to hair loss.
  7. Formaldehyde: Another ingredient which can cause cancer.
  8. Parabens: They are used to kill bacteria. Studies have shown that parabens are linked to increase the growth of cancer cells.
  9. Polyethylene Glycols (PEG): It is derived from petroleum and often contains byproducts that are very harmful to the human organism.
  10. Retinyl Palmitate: Can cause skin irritations and damage on other organs.
  11. Sodium chloride: Another term for salt. Avoid it if you have sensitive skin. It can also lead to hair loss and irritations in the eyes.
  12. Triclosan: This chemical also kills bacteria. It can cause cancer and damage in the brain.

Zero Waste Products and How to Use Them

Please remember that the products I use work for me but might not work for you. Everyone has their very own hair structure and you should embrace it just the way it is. Don’t give up on zero waste hair care if you have trouble finding the right way for you; there is a natural way for everybody!

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