
50+ Amazing Ying Yang Tattoos with Meanings, Ideas, and Celebrities

Ying Yang is a Chinese philosophical concept of positive-negative and how opposite forces can actually exist in harmony and complement each other. The dots portrays that nothing is absolute. Ying and Yang represent a pair of opposites, such as black and white, light and shadow, north and south, male and female, etc. When you look at the symbol, you will see that it doesn’t have a straight line running through the middle to indicate the Ying-Yang divide. Inside, the dividing line is shaped like a gentle ‘S.’ It depicts how Ying and Yang are inextricably linked and constantly flows into and out of one another. As Yang expands toward the top of the sign, Ying contracts. Ying expands at the bottom as Yang contracts. The ideal situation is when the two are in equal balance, as this is when harmony is attained. The yin-yang symbol is related to the ancient method used to track the movements of the sun, moon, and stars around the year. Not only do the white and black portions of the symbol fit together precisely to make a circle, but each has a little circle of the opposite color within it to emphasize the connection between the two. Observing the physical world gave rise to the concepts of Yin and Yang. Nature appears to organize itself into pairs of mutually dependent opposites.

The little circles also demonstrate that there are no absolutes. There is a little Yang in all Ying and vice versa. This emphasizes the relationship between the two. The universe is represented by the outer circle of the Ying and Yang symbol.


Meaning of Ying Yang Tattoos

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The symbol of Ying Yang may appear simple at first glance, yet the symbolism behind it can be quite profound. The true meaning was formed ages ago and may still be seen now.

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