Fashion clothing collections

The World’s Most Stylish Stuff – This Week

Üllo Wine Purifier

We’re all guilty of tanking a bottle of red (then Googling if people can die from hangovers the next day). Luckily, now you can drink without an impending sense of doom. The Üllo wine purifier filters out sulphites (the demons responsible for your headache), which means you can enjoy a Friday night session and feel as fresh as a daisy on Saturday. Available at Üllo, priced £65.


Assouline’s Ferrari 275 GTB

A new Ford Focus can seem a stretch for the wallet in 2017, never mind a Ferrari. But that doesn’t stop us dreaming (of the latter, that is). Assouline’s latest book celebrates all things cool and classic about the Italian manufacturer’s most iconic model, and it’ll be much kinder on the bank account. Available at Mr Porter, priced £60.

Ossidiana Espresso Coffee Maker

Life’s too short to drink bad coffee. If you’d rather have a proper cup from a proper pot, take your cue from the Italians with Alessi’s Neapolitan offering. This Riccardo Dalsi-designed contraption is the fruit of over 200 prototypes and a dedicated book (for the coffee table, no less). Available at Alessi, priced £49.

Ralph’s Coffee and Bar

January isn’t exactly polo-friendly weather, but that shouldn’t stop you living like Ralph Lauren. America’s king of preppy cool has opened his very own coffee spot and bar inside the brand’s London flagship. Decked out with saddle leather sofas, dark wood panelling and equestrian-themed art, the space lets you enjoy the interior of a polo clubhouse without needing to ride horseback in sub-zero weather. Located at the Polo Ralph Lauren Regent Street store, London, W1B 5TQ.

Razer Project Valerie

If you use more than one screen, chances are you’re a stockbroker or a gamer. Either way, Razer’s Project Valerie is your saviour. Despite sharing its name with one of your nan’s mates, it’s quite an impressive bit of kit – three 17.3 inch 4k screens, a monster graphics card and razor-sharp resolution. Unfortunately, it’s just a concept, but just shows how far (and wide) laptops can go.

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