Men's grooming

Women’s Biggest Hygiene And Grooming Turn-Offs Revealed

If your grooming routine is little more than the holy trinity – shit, shower, shave – don’t expect much action this summer.

In a new survey conducted by ShowersToYou, nearly 800 single women were quizzed on their biggest hygiene and grooming turn-offs. And while some of their listed annoyances are universal, it seems the opposite sex knows when you cut corners (rather than fingernails) in the bathroom.


Topping the list with a whopping 98 percent of respondents was bad breath. Which, considering the fact that nobody wants to touch tongues with a troll, makes total sense. Long fingernails closely followed at 87 percent with greasy hands in third – something to take into account at your next BBQ.

Don’t think a cheap squirt of anything will suffice, either. Seventy five percent of women listed the smell of cheap cologne as a major turn-off, so go light and fresh on your preferred summer fragrance.

Stenches lingered on the study like, well, a bad smell; respondents listed body odour of all varieties as a major gripe, so ensure everywhere (and we mean everywhere) gets a good soak on the daily, lest you fall foul of the 74 percent of women who pinpointed smelly knackers.

And, although warmer weather seems like a good excuse for a cigarette (spoiler: it isn’t), 68 per cent of women listed stale smoke as one of their biggest pet peeves. It’s not big, it’s not clever and it’s not attractive, either.

So, if you’re looking to get lucky this summer, spend an extra five minutes in the bathroom – just without the Poundland spritz.


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