Tattoo ideas

Why You Shouldn't Get A Tattoo – Disadvantages And Things To Consider First

While getting a tattoo is a positive and memorable event, for some, the memory can be rather negative and unpleasant. The truth is, there are quite a few things to consider be jumping the gun and getting one.

You need to know the risks involved with getting inked before booking an appointment with your tattoo artist.


The content of this document is not meant to scare you from getting your first tattoo. If the issues herein are fine for you, proceed and get your desired tattoo.

However, there may be other better ways to satisfy your needs without compromising the safety of your health. With that said, let’s go over a few things to consider when it comes to why you shouldn’t get a tattoo.


Disadvantages of Tattoos

Since tattoos breach your skin, they expose you to various complications, including skin infections. The various reasons why you shouldn’t get a tattoo include:

1. Allergies

Do you have a sensitive skin? If so, then tattoos are not meant for you and you should not even imagine getting one. However, you may not realize you’re your skin is allergic to tattoos until you get one. Tattoos cause rashes on your sensitive skin once the ink enters your body.

If you notice any signs of allergy after getting a tattoo, you should ponder getting the mark off your skin to prevent further reactions.

One way to remove the tattoo from your skin is to use tattoo removal creams. Remember, removing the tattoo may not be an event, it is a gradual process. Because of this, the rashes may not disappear as soon as you begin using the cream. Hence, you will need to be patient.

Common signs of allergic reactions resulting from tattoos include:

  •  Skin redness
  • Inflammation
  • Skin bumps
  • Your skin appears scaly
  • Flaking
  • Purple or red nodules that appear around the tattoo

Allergies tend to be a concern even for people without sensitive skins. As a result, the best way to prevent allergies is to avoid doing things that increase your vulnerability to allergic reactions.

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