Men's fashion guides

What To Wear To A Wedding Reception: The Rules, The Outfits

Stylistically, weddings aren’t the straightforward, traditionally formal affairs they once were – when everyone wore their Sunday best, got a bit boozy and that was that. These days nuptials can be casual, overtly formal or even themed (shudder) – ranging from the unusual: ‘dress Hawaii’, to the ultra-specific: ‘wear pink stripes’.

Arguably even more confusing is figuring out what to wear to a wedding reception. If you’re only attending half the day, can you make half the effort? Of course not.


The only saving grace here is that because you’re avoiding all the pomp and ceremony, you can afford to have fun with your attire, as befits an upbeat, positive occasion. But, unless you’re also the entertainment, fun is not wacky. There needs a degree of sobriety in your outfit, even if it’s lacking from your behaviour by the end of the evening.

Wedding Reception Style Tips

Know The Dress Code

The invitation is likely to contain the all-important information that will help you decide what is appropriate to wear as a wedding reception guest. This may be specific – lounge suit, for example, or, unhelpfully vague – ‘party clothes’.

The latter might require some background research, such as asking someone closer to the groom for a more precise interpretation. “And if the invitation says a certain dress is ‘optional’, that usually means the bride and groom really want you to wear it,” says Christopher Modoo, formalwear expert and creative director of British tailoring brand Kit Blake. So do it, in other words.

A subtle check can spice up an otherwise boring grey suit. Reiss

Respect The Hosts

A wedding reception is not an opportunity for style rebellion. Not, at least, unless it’s towards conservatism. Sure, if the hosts are sporting, say, some specific period style, you don’t need to feel obliged to fit in. It is only the reception after all, which is essentially just one big party.

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