Men's style

13 Ways To Look Better Instantly

There’s often not much that separates a so-so outfit from a special one, or a superb haircut from a subpar one. The truth is that looking your best isn’t about dropping wads of cash on new clothes. More often than not, it’s the little things that make a big difference.

To that end, here are 13 low-effort, high-impact tips you can try now to step up your style game in a split second.


Measure Yourself

The internet is great for buying pants, well, in your pants, but online shopping can come a cropper where sizing is concerned. Since one label’s ‘small’ is another’s ‘large’, it’s worth knowing your exact measurements and consulting brands’ and retailers’ online size guides before wasting cash on a shirt that could double up as a sail or shorts that look more like three-quarter lengths.

If you’re unsure exactly what or where you should be measuring, consider getting a professional involved. It might sound expensive, but it’s not. A local tailor or alterations specialist will be able to give you a full set of accurate readings and, in the long run, save you time, effort and money.

Alternatively, if the store you’re buying from includes individual product dimensions, try measuring a similar item you already own that fits perfectly and compare against this before snapping up that bargain in the sale.

Get Your Basics Tailored

Sure, you could shell out a month’s rent on a designer cashmere-blend suit, but if the fit’s not right, your style will still look cheap. On the other hand, high street tailoring can look considerably more expensive than it is with a few well-judged nips and tucks from a savvy tailor.

And suits aren’t the only thing you can get professionally altered – whether you have your jeans hemmed, chinos cropped or Oxford shirts darted for a more streamlined fit, these seemingly minor alterations to your wardrobe basics don’t cost much, but can make you look a million bucks.

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