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Volodymyr Zelensky’s Height, Style & Career

In this article, we’ll look at Volodymyr Zelensky’s height, style and more! Read on to learn about the iconic Ukrainian president.

Photo by Ale_Mi /

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky has captured the attention of the world. A comic-turned political powerhouse, Zelensky has shown immense courage during Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

While some attribute his meteoric rise in popularity to a tightly controlled propaganda campaign, his choice to remain in Kyiv despite many opportunities to flee is evidence of his sincerity.

During the first few days of the invasion, when the US offered to evacuate him to a safer location, he famously said, “I need ammunition, not a ride.” He has committed to staying in Kyiv until the end. No matter the outcome of the war. 

Many people have questions about this gritty, passionate new figure on the world stage. Here’s some background info and answers to frequently asked questions about Volodymyr Zelensky. 

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Photo by shapicingvar /

Given his background and since he didn’t have any political experience, when Zelensky ran for president he had to reassure people that his candidacy wasn’t a joke.

His brilliantly run campaign touted him as a bastion of morality that could root out corruption in government. Unlike some previous Ukrainian leaders, Zelensky vowed to help Ukraine fast-track its development into a modern European nation — a nation free from the subversive influences of the Russian Federation. 

Some accused him of being under the thumb of a Ukrainian media mogul that contributed to his campaign.

When asked about this claim Zelensky quipped back that if working with oligarchs was an earmark of corruption, with that logic, practically everyone in Ukraine would be corrupt since oligarchs own almost everything in the country. 

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