Health & wellness

What Is Vinyasa Yoga and What are It’s Benefits?

  • Strengthens neck and hand muscles
  • Offers strength to spinal muscles
  • Alleviates back and neck pain
  • Tones Buttocks

2. Low Plank Pose:

Low Plank Pose or Chaturanga Dandasana is similar to the plank pose, but the difficulty level is slightly high. This is one of the best asanas to tighten your arms, torso, neck and back muscles. It also helps in giving you good body balance and maintaining posture.


How To Do:

  • Lie on the ground and form the plank pose
  • Exhale and place your body parallel to the ground supported by your palms and toes
  • Ensure your elbows are in a right angle to your shoulders
  • Maintain the posture for 15 seconds
  • Get back to original position


  • Strengthens arms and wrists
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Tones abdominal muscles

3. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana:

This pose is also called the Upward facing Dog Pose. This is one of the traditional poses in sun salutations or the Surya Namaskarams. This pose can help in strengthening spine and toning the muscles in the abdomen. Check out the steps to perform this asana:

How To Do:

  • After chaturanga, make a transition so that you lie on your stomach.
  • Bring your spine into extension and face upwards.
  • Make the tops of the feet and toes to come in contact with the floor and spread the toes.
  • Place your hands and fingers spread wide close to your chest.
  • You may also bring shoulder blades towards each other.


  • This asana helps in improving the posture
  • It can stretch and strengthen the spine and abdominal muscles
  • This is also great for people who suffer from asthma, as it opens up the chest muscles.

[Read: How to Do Samadhi Yoga]

4. Adho Mukha Svanasana:

It means to be in a pose like a dog with head facing downwards. The Dog Pose improves flexibility of your spine, stretches the muscles of back. Again, this Yoga Asana should not be performed if you have serious back pain or injury.

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