Campus style

NYC Summer Intern Street Style: Sierra

Sierra’s outfit is a cool mix of colors and patterns, plus her crop top caught my attention from a mile away. 

We met at a fashion industry event in NYC and after talking to her, I learned that she is a fashion blogger and summer intern in the city. Sierra knows the ropes of summer style. 


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Sierra 101

Name: Sierra

Year: Junior

School: University of Notre Dame

Major: American Studies

Hometown: Birmingham, MI

Let’s Talk Fashion 

Who or what inspires your style? “Right now I feel most inspired by strangers. Living in New York, there’s inspiration on every corner and I am always sneaking glances at those around me and stealing their [looks]. When I’m at school at Notre Dame, I get my inspiration from some amazing bloggers on my Instagram feed… most of whom are in NYC and making me homesick.”

Where do you like to shop? “Since I work at 3.1 Phillip Lim, I am always splurging on his stuff because I’m surrounded by it all day! I try to hit the thrift stores when I can. Zara is definitely my guilty pleasure.”

How would you describe your sense of style? “My sense of style is very protean. I go from edgy to girly so quickly [that] it’s really hard to pinpoint! I went to prep school but I listen to Nirvana, so I like to describe it as ‘preppy-grunge’ sometimes. I wear lots of band shirts and if I ever wear makeup, it’s very minimal so that definitely feeds into the grunge aspect.”

Why did you choose this particular outfit? “I had just bought this 3.1 Phillip Lim skirt and fell in love with it. Zara was having their huge sale and I spent time looking through tops until I found this one. I was lucky enough to find it the moment I walked in.” 

What fashion advice would you give to other students looking to improve their style? “Read! Fashionista and Business of Fashion are my go-to’s. Being involved in this industry isn’t just about looking pretty! It’s about knowing everything so I read the fashion newsletters daily.”

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