Men's fitness

The Ultimate Guide To Building A Big Chest

As anyone who’s ever queued for the bench press knows, men obsess over the size of their chest. So much so that, in the right (or wrong, depending on your leanings) circles, Monday is known as International Chest Day.

The reason for its popularity, and why it’s now time for you to invest in your chest, is the potential for major gains in both strength and size. The strength is transferable across your entire upper body, elevating your performance in the gym, on the sports field, or simply on heavy lifting duty around the house.


The size puffs out your chest both physically and metaphorically. And, when combined with the correct styling tips, earns you a confidence boost that extends to life both inside and outside the gym.

Here’s how to make the most of every muscle fibre and get maximum payback from the time you spend on your pecs. Start flexin’.

Press To Impress

As the bros know, shirt-stretching pectorals are built around the bench press. “It’s known as one of the ‘big four’ – along with squats, deadlifts and pull-ups – and is a compound exercise that’s the holy grail of working your pecs,” says Brett Durney, from Soho Fitness Labs. It works your chest through its full range of motion, maxing out muscle activation to stimulate growth.

However, pumping out reps doesn’t guarantee a chiselled chest. There are a set of dos and don’ts you need to get right first.

Don’t: Add Weight You Can’t Lift Under Control

More weight normally means more muscle, but it’s a beginner’s error to overload the bar. You’ll probably find a way to finish the rep, but that’s because your body naturally recruits other muscles and joints to finish the job.

A boost to your ego? Yes. A boost to your chest? Not so much.

Do: Imprint Your Back

Lifting heavy naturally encourages you to arch your back to assist with momentum, which makes reps easier. But easy doesn’t build muscle. Not only does this arch put your back at risk of injury, you also shift the focus away from your chest.

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