
Top 50 Best Job Interview Tips For Men – How To Get Hired At Your Dream Job

You must be able to provide more information than just stating that you were the CEO at ABC company. You’ll need to cover exactly what you did there, what you were responsible for, and examples of tasks you handled.

Remember, people love case studies. They can’t get enough of them. Sell the person interviewing you a fairytale-like story of success. Make them believe you are their saviour.



7. Your greatest weakness and best assets.

What do you actually bring to the table?

Employers aren’t looking for a perfect person here. No one is perfect. Instead, they are looking to see how eager you are to improve in areas where you aren’t as strong. When you’re authentic, you become memorable.

Of course, you can really screw yourself over on this question if you say things like poor time management, aka being late to work. Not being able to complete tasks, staying organized, and so on.


8. Dress well. This isn’t a fashion show!

Suit and tie. Period! I don’t care what the job entails or how much it pays. You dress to impress!

You show the person interviewing you the best version of yourself. You show them that you are respectful, considerate and not a lazy bum! In the tech world, I’m sure you can get away with a dress shirt and pants, as hoodies and jeans are the workday norm.

However, when you are going in wearing a suit, you set yourself miles apart from the rest. Sure you stand out, but you also get remembered in a positive way.

No jewelry, no sneakers, no bold or bright colors. Stick with navy, blue, black, white and gray. Over the years I have learned that black can be quite powerful, and at times, too powerful. There’s really only one color that you can’t go wrong with, especially when you’re dealing with women: Navy/Blue. It’s professional and non-aggressive.


9. No smoking, drinking or eating.

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