Girls fashion outfits

How to Look Stylish | 15 Simple Tips for Girls to Look Fashionable

How to Look Stylish in 2021. We have all wondered at one time or another how we can look more stylish and fashionable. Most of us might have come to the conclusion that dressing stylishly means dropping loads of money on expensive outfits or hiring a personal stylist.

While both options are in reach for some of us, they still remain the exception… and not quite the rule. The majority of us are pretty thrilled with Target prices, do happy dances over a good Walmart sale, and flip through style magazines with barely suppressed envy. (Just me? Okay, then…) But ladies, no matter the state of our bank accounts, style does not begin and end with a designer label. Fashion isn’t reserved for the elite and looking cuter, more put-together, and yes, stylish, is possible for us all!


Practical Tips to be More Fashionable in 2021

But just how is it possible, you might be wondering. Well, hold onto your hats, gals. In today’s article, we are going to be going through our top 15 tips for looking more stylish and fashionable. From ways to look more stylish every day to being fashionable on a budget, these tips will help you instantly elevate your personal style and take your everyday looks to the next level. We will even talk about looking more stylish for certain occasions (like traveling or attending a dinner party) as well as fashion tips for the different seasons so you can look amazing all year-round. Let’s get started.

Before we get into our proper tips, here are some obvious (as well as not-so-obvious) do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when looking to be more stylish. Check them out.

  • Don’t wear stained, ripped, and ill-fitting items. Dressing sloppily is never cute. Take a few minutes to scour your wardrobe for items that don’t make the cut or need to be repaired and be sure to set them aside, either to donate, repurpose, or discard.
  • Do keep your jewelry polished and cleaned. A major DO in our book is to always stay on top of your jewelry and it’s cleanliness. It’s one of those teeny things that often get overlooked but can really elevate an outfit when attended to.
  • Do figure out what types of clothing look good on your body and invest in those pieces. You might have some killer long legs and maybe they look incredible in ankle-length jeans. Or maybe you have a curvy, round figure and you look awesome in a wrap dress. Hit up your local thrift store and start experimenting with different styles. There’s no need to break the bank over this, but next time you are shopping for clothes, look for those pieces that are guaranteed to look great on you, and then you can supplement those pieces with other needed items.
  • Do style your hair and keep your nails clean and groomed. If you want people to think of you as “that girl who always looks stylish” then you need to pay attention to personal grooming! Chewed down nails, chipped polish, and dark roots are guaranteed to detract from a polished appearance.
  • Do wear clothing that fits you well. Not all of us can afford to get our clothing tailored. So it’s all the more important to stick to pieces that already fit pretty well and highlight your best features. (Shapely legs, a graceful neck, toned shoulders, etc.) Forget what your girlfriend likes to highlight or your sister and focus on making the most of what you got. That’s the real secret to dressing with confidence.
  • Do add accessories. There’s no need to go crazy (and some minimalistic looks don’t need many accessories at all) and you definitely don’t want to overdo it, but a few well-picked pieces of jewelry, a stylish belt, or a gorgeous pair of sunglasses can make any outfit look incredible. If you coordinate your pieces so that they mostly match or go together then you will have hacked into a simple trick that all your favorite style icons are aware of.
  • Do what Parisian models do and add some red lipstick. Now this is a bit of a fun tip and it doesn’t always apply, but a quick way to bring a simple outfit to the next level is just by adding a great shade of lipstick! Even if you are barefaced, some lipstick is always a chic touch that looks fabulous. Give it a try next time you are headed out for lunch or you are visiting a new spot.

And now let’s get to the good stuff!

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