Beauty and hair

4 Tips for Fixing Split Ends

My New Year’s Resolution this year is to have better hair. And I need it – after a bunch of at-home bleaching treatments, color removers, and dyes, my hair is super crispy, dry, and frizzy. 

In addition to swearing off permanent bleaches and dyes, here are some steps I’m following tips for fixing split ends to undo the damage I’ve done to my strands.  


Related reading: How to Take Care of Bleached Hair – The Complete Guide

Table of Contents

Every Month: Get a Trim

No matter how many products swear to be able to repair your split ends, there’s really only one way to actually make them go away – and that’s with a pair of scissors. 

If you prefer to go to a salon, ask for a ‘dusting’ – which is just cutting off the damaged parts of your hair while preserving the length.  

If you (like me) would rather DIY, just divide your hair into small sections, and twist or bend with your fingers to make dry ends stick out, and trim away! You can also follow this quick YouTube tutorial which works like a charm.

Every Other Week: Use a Hair Mask

Once you’ve removed the split ends, it’s important to make the rest of your hair as healthy and hydrated as possible. Using a deep-conditioning mask is a great way to provide and seal in moisture for extra softness and shine.

If you prefer to buy a pre-made mask, there is an option for every budget and hair type – so just go out and find what appeals to you! In general, it’s best to avoid products containing silicone (which can prevent moisture from being able to enter the hair strand), mineral oil (which can weigh hair down), and alcohols that contain “prop” in their name (which can strip away natural oils to dry out hair). We shared one of our favorite masks here.

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