Beauty and hair

At-Home Spa Essentials for the Best DIY Spa Day

This post will show you the at home spa essentials to have your own home spa day.

“Goodbye clouds of Gray, hello skies of blue; A dip in the pool, a trip to the spa” — if only Sharpay knew you didn’t have to take a trip to go to the spa.


If you’re done with finals or close to being done or are on a trimester system (yikes) and need some much-deserved break time, do yourself a favor and transform your room into a spa. 

Summer is right around the corner, and school is in our rear-view mirrors. There’s no reason to stress, no 8 am alarms, no exams to study for, projects to turn in, or professors to meet with to beg for a bump in your grade. (Unless you’re doing an internship this summer; then you’ll need this more than anyone.)

While you could spend hundreds of dollars on a trip to the spa, you could spend a lot less on some at home spa essentials to make your room into a spa whenever you want.

I’ve always wanted to live in a spa: cucumber water, serene music, facials every day, and people who talk to you like they’re doing an ASMR Youtube video. What more does a girl need? But not all of us are Elon Musk, trying to colonize Mars with our spare money, so we need to get a little creative.

You’ll need a small initial investment, but an investment that will pay off in less stress, a longer life span, and more importantly, as any Kardashian will tell you: less visible signs of aging.

Honestly, I think a weekly spa visit should be included in our school tuition. Can you imagine a spa on campus? A little oasis among the dungeons of the libraries? If only universities knew how to manage their budget properly… talk about priorities.

Anywho, here’s your guide to setting up your own at home spa, with my favorite at home spa essentials that will turn your home into a resort.

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