
How to Grow Beard Thicker + 20 Thick Beard Styles

Thick beard! A dream for some guys. To grow a beard thicker is really a challenge for those guys who do not have this ability in their gene. They quit growing their beard because of a lot of hectic tricks and go with a clean-shaven face instead.

The main question that arose while reading these first few lines is why people consider beard as an important factor in men’s personality? It is because the beard has the power to transfer the guys from babyish appearance to powerful masculine men.


If you are among those men who face challenges while growing thicker beard, worry no more! Here, you will explore the ways of growing and trimming the thick beard hair as well as the beard styling ideas that will make you the “one” in the crowd.


How to Make Beard Look Thicker

The thickness of beard depends on the genetics, male hormone level and lifestyles of a man. If you want to grow your beard fast and thick, you must follow the below steps;

  • The first and most major step in growing your beard thick is “not to trim your beard at all”. Some guys fed up of the itching that caused by new-grown beard follicles and in order to get rid of that itching, they trim their beard. It not only causes the slow growth of beard but also affects its thickness.
  • Use beard oil once you start growing stubble. Beard oil will make your beard hair thick and also prevent the severe itching.
  • Eliminate the stress from your life. The more stress-free you live, the more thick and fast beard you will grow.
  • Exfoliate your skin by using a scrub. It will remove the dead cells from your face and prevent the open pores as well as ingrown beard hair.
  • Do exercise regularly to boost up blood circulation for thicker beard growth.
  • Eat a healthy diet. The protein you will take into your diet, the more you will be able to grow a thicker beard.
  • Take multivitamins as zinc, iron, and vitamin D and E play a vital role in growing a thick beard. Take minoxidil, if you are older and worried about your beard thickness.
  • Take adequate sleep and water intake. Five to eight hours of sleep is a must for men as it increases the hormonal level which ultimately improves beard growth and thickness.


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