
Tea Tree Oil Benefits to Stop Hair Fall & Promotes New Hair Growth!

Is your hair falling by the bunches? Do you suspect the role of a scalp infection behind this? If yes, it’s time to know the benefits of tea tree oil for hair and scalp! Tea tree oil is an oil with a camphor-like smell, extracted from the tea tree leaves, native to Australia. Being a natural antiseptic agent, tea tree oil was once used by the native aborigines for treating wounds and cuts.


Today, it is a key ingredient in many hair care products for many reasons. From fighting dandruff-causing microbes to foster a thicker, longer hair, Tea tree oil can be a boon to your mane. Read along, as we learn how to use tea tree oil for hair regrowth using simple home remedies.

Is Tea Tree Oil Good for Hair Loss Treatment?

One of the significant contributors to hair loss is blocked pores due to excess sebum. This can encourage fungal growth on the scalp, leading to dandruff. With time, your roots get weakened and ultimately fall off.

Tea tree oil works by keeping the sebum secretion in check. It is a strong anti-microbial agent which can remove even stubborn dandruff. By clearing the pores and maintaining scalp health, tea tree oil helps in hair fall control and even promotes hair growth.

[ Also Read: How To Use Rosemary Oil For Hair ]

Other Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil for Hair:

Along with hair loss prevention and dandruff control, here are some of the tea tree oil benefits for hair:

  • Treats Scalp Dryness: A dry scalp means itchy, white flakes that can clog your pores. Tea tree oil works by keeping your scalp moisturized while controlling excess sebum secretion.
  • Reduces Hair Breakage: Tea tree oil contains anti-inflammatory properties, which can clear scalp problems that can cause hair damage. While soothing an irritated scalp, it also strengthens your strands.
  • Improves Blood Circulation: As per studies, a massage with diluted tea tree oil was found to increase blood flow to the scalp cells. This can allow better nutrient absorption to the follicles and make them stronger from within.
  • Kills Parasites and Lice: Lice and other blood thriving bugs can ruin the health of your hair. By applying concentrated tea tree oil for just 30 minutes can result in 100% elimination of these insects from your scalp, which includes even unhatched eggs.

How To Use Tea Tree Oil for Hair Growth?

Unlike regular oils like coconut oil, olive, or almond oils, Tea tree oil is an essential oil. It is highly concentrated and must never be used directly on the scalp. It is also quite toxic and must never be consumed internally. You must always mix it with a carrier oil or other ingredients to reduce its potency and increase efficiency.

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