Tattoo guide

Tattoo Leaking: Everything You Need To Know

Getting a tattoo is such an exciting thing to do; you go through so many emotions, pain, and finally a relief to get that perfect ink on your body. However, sometimes new tattoos can misbehave and result in some concerning behavior, like leaking.

For those getting tattooed regularly, this may seem like a normal occurrence, but if it’s your first time getting a tattoo, things can get pretty concerning.


There are numerous reasons tattoo leaking occurs. In the following paragraphs, we’ll go through everything you need to know about tattoo leaking, what causes it, and how you can manage it. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Tattoos and Leaking – Explained

Quick Info: Before we get into the topic, we need to make sure every reader knows that tattoos are SUPPOSED to leak a little ink, blood, and plasma in the first 24 to 48 hours. A new, fresh tattoo is considered to be an open wound, so, in order for it to start healing, the body needs to remove excess ink, blood, and plasma.

Why Do Tattoos Leak?

Tattoos leak for numerous reasons, but most often, it is because the tattoo artist has tried to pack too much ink into the skin. Because the ink has nowhere to go but out of the skin, the tattoo starts leaking, which can be pretty messy. But, this is just an overview of the possible leaking causes. Let’s take a look at the leaking causes in more detail;

  • You’re Tattoo Is Brand New 

New, brand-new tattoos act as open wounds; let’s start with that. Now, imagine trying to push into your body something artificial and possibly toxic, and ensuring it stays there. That’s what tattooing ‘feels like’ to your body.

As a result, the immune system reacts and the body tries to push out the excess ink, so it won’t cause any harm. That’s why brand new tattoos leak ink, but also excess blood and plasma. Such leaking lasts between 24 to 48 hours on average.

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