Tattoo guide

What Do Tattoo Artists Hate: 13 Things Clients Do That Every Tattoo Artist Resents

Going to a tattoo studio to get inked requires every client to follow certain etiquette. It should be clear that you can’t behave however you want in a tattoo studio. Improper behavior simply shows one’s lack of respect for the tattoo artists and the hard work they put into creating amazing body art.

Because they have to deal with a load of different clients, it has become clear that tattoo artists surely hate certain things people do. So, in the following paragraphs, we’ll highlight some of the most resentful behavior every tattoo artist in the world hates, and ensure our readers avoid it.


There, before you go to get tattooed, make sure to read this and try to follow the obvious rules of proper behavior. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

13 Things That Piss Off Every Tattoo Artist

1. Not Knowing What You Want

Clients who come to a tattoo studio expecting the tattoo artist will come up with a perfect tattoo design on their own is probably one of the worst things ever. Before getting tattooed, every client should have an idea of the design they’d be interested in; the tattooist can work on the design and improve it. However, coming to the studio not knowing what you want, and disapproving of the tattooist’s recommendations is a no-go.

2. Wanting Other People’s Tattoos

Asking a tattoo artist to copy another tattooist’s work is not only rude, but also pretty disrespectful, and in some places even illegal. Copying another person’s artistic property without asking or consulting about the potential users can get the tattoo artist in a lot of trouble. Did we mention some people hide the fact that the design they want is the work of another tattooist? Yup, people lie about such stuff, and tattoo artists do hate it.

3. Changing Your Mind The Day Of the Appointment

Now, two things that tattoo artists hate, which happen the day of the appointment, are the following;

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