Tattoo tips

New (and Old) Tattoo Itching – Causes and How to Stop It? (2022)

Getting tattooed is only half of the battle. The real test of your patience began after you remove the wrap from your brand new tattoo.

One of the biggest turn off about getting tattooed is the irritating itching that you will face after the first week.


While it is perfectly normal for a new tattoo to itch but there are good chances that your old tattoo might also itch. To stop new and old tattoo itching you can follow various tips that we are going to discuss below.

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Consulting a dermatologist can help you know about hidden skin problems as well. If your skin is sensitive then be prepared to face the wrath of Itch god after first week.

Ingrown Hairs –

Shaving the area of skin before puncturing it with a tattoo machine is a very common practice. However there are still very few artists who do not follow it.

If you do not shave your hairs before getting tattooed then you are giving an invitation to tattoo infection.

The tattoo machine will either take down the hairs with it inside the skin or push out the ingrown hair. Both are painful and dangerous.

When the artist shaves your hair, they usually start growing back by the end of the second week. Their regrowth is also one of the major reasons for tattoo itching.

Choice of Ink –

Do you know why most tattoos are inked in black and grey ink? This is because the black ink is made from chemical compounds that are safe to use on skin.

However, other colors of ink (especially green and red) are made using compounds that can be harsh on certain skin types.

Popular Designs of Anime Tattoos

So if you are opting for a colored tattoo then consult a dermatologist to get knowledge about your skin type and condition.

How To Get Rid of Tattoo Itching?

Your new tattoo is like an open wound that needs to be taken care of just like any other wound. If your new tattoo is large then it will require even more special attention from you.

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