Tattoo tips

New (and Old) Tattoo Itching – Causes and How to Stop It? (2022)

However, placing a slightly wet cloth can help. But remember the cloth should be clean and bacteria-free.

Tip 4 – Focus

Do you know the best mantra given by Dwayne Johnson? It is – FOCUS.


Instead of focusing on your tattoo itching, try to focus on your work and another important part of your life.

Distraction is much needed in the second and third weeks of the tattoo healing process. Therefore, I would suggest you to do activities that you find entertaining during this period.

Tip 5 – Stay Away From Sun

The more you stay under the sun the more chances of tattoo itching there will be. Sweat and humid weather are two major enemies of a new tattoo. Keep your fresh tattoo protected from them.

Small and Simple Tattoos of Pokemon

In the end, it all comes to your will and determination. If you are a strong-willed person then you will not be bothered much by tattoo itching.

If you are going for your first tattoo design then I would advise you to go small and choose a body part that is visible to you. Also, the best season to get your first tattoo is winter.

I hope this guide helped you in giving knowledge about tattoo itching. If you have any queries then do mail us in the contact section.

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