Tattoo tips

How To Reduce Tattoo Swelling Easily? Do’s and Don’ts

Tattoos are a great way to portray your personality without speaking a single word.

They make you look more aesthetic, but most people have one common issue after getting a tattoo is swelling.


However, this problem is widespread, but still, you should be careful. There are many factors like the tattoo location, the tattoo process, blood thinners consumption, etc. that can cause tattoo swelling.

This article will talk about some great tips that you should follow to reduce tattoo swelling quickly. So without further ado, let’s get started.

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If you have just got a tattoo, then it is better not to take hot showers. The high temperature raises the blood flow, which negatively affects the tattooed area.

A general rule of thumb is that you should not let your body contact a hot area for the next 2 days after getting the tattoo.

Don’t cover the tattooed area for an extended period. Keep the air supply proper by wearing loose clothes. Also, keep yourself away from heat and try to keep your body.

2. Avoid Pressure On The Tattooed Area

One great way to reduce the swelling is by letting the tattooed area as exposed as possible.

It would be best if you always tried to avoid any pressure around that area, so it is recommended not to touch the tattoo for some time.

If possible, don’t cover the area for 24 hours or wear something breathable and light. Allow your body to heal from the open wound caused because of the tattoo.

Please don’t pick the scabs as it could ruin your tattoo finishing and cause bacterial infection. Maintain proper hygiene and try to keep the tattooed body part fresh and dry.

3. Apply Cold Compress

If you are not familiar with the cold compress process, then it’s straightforward.

You have to put some ice into water, dip a cotton piece, and apply it all over the tattooed area. Just make sure to do it as gently and smoothly as you can.

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