Tattoos with meaning

What Does Sun and Moon Tattoo Mean?

The sun and moon are very powerful in imagery and symbolism. You will see these markings all over the world. From Ancient Egypt to modern day United States, the sun and moon symbol carry a great deal of meaning. When an image is so powerful and holds so much meaning, it wouldn’t be a surprise that many would choose to have these images tattooed on the body.

The sun and moon tattoo happens to be a very popular one amongst those that follow the beliefs of yin and yang. They are very powerful opposites and depending on where you find these symbols, will have some sort of symbolism in this area. Different cultures will have different sets of rules regarding any symbol. However, we feel like the sun and moon have a pretty similar meaning everywhere.


In this post we will talk about the sun and moon tattoo and what it symbolizes. What it symbolizes and what it means to the person wearing it can be two different things, so we will talk about some variations of the tattoo as well. We hope that by the end of the post you have a better understanding of the relationship between the two and that you feel better about going in to get your very own sun and moon tattoo.

Relationship Between Sun and Moon

There is a very interesting relationship of opposites with the sun and the moon when it comes to the Earth. The sun provides light for us during the day while the moon provides light for the Earth at night. The moon projects the reflection of the sun to us at night.

Many of us believe the tide effects humans and the Earth alike. The tide rises at the height of the day while it regresses at night because of the moon’s gravity pulling at the Earth.

You can get the picture that sun and the moon have an impact on the Earth and us as humans. With such powerful pull both ways, there is a certain balance we have to appreciate.

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