
The 20 Funniest Soccer Memes

Soccer (or football as it is commonly called), is known as the world game. Played by millions across the globe, it is one of the most popular sports in the world. While England is generally considered the home of football, its origins date all the way back to 200BC China. Although its popularity in America is still on the rise, soccer brings lots of joy to people all over the world. And that’s not just on the field. As there are many funny moments, soccer fans are quick to create memes to immortalize these events. This has resulted in the creation of hundreds of hilarious soccer memes. 

These memes reference everything from famous players to magical events that have occurred during games. Some are topical at this very moment while others make fun of famous situations from years gone by. What these soccer memes have in common is how funny they are. So if you are after a soccer-related laugh, read on and enjoy these funny soccer memes. 


1. Messi vs. Benzema vs. Ronaldo


An accurate depiction of how each of these superstars plays for their club. 

2. Accurate


This is an accurate definition of what happens when men pick their football team. 

3. Manchester United Game Plan 2022


This season Manchester United has been terrible and often relied on Cristiano Ronaldo to save them. This meme sums up coach Ralf Rangnick’s game plan. 

4. Trophyless Barcelona


Using the Will Smith/Chris Rock slap meme about Jada Pinkett Smith, this soccer meme says it all. Ouch. 

5. When Life Imitates Art


Pep Guardiola doing his best impression of Edvard Munch’s The Scream.

6. I Took That Personally


When everyone is talking about Italy taking on Portugal but forgetting they need to get past North Macedonia first. This is a great use of the Michael Jordan meme that came from The Last Dance

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