
30 of the Funniest Dad Memes on the Internet

Dad jokes seem to have had a resurgence of late. Or maybe they have always been topical? Whatever the reason, it is hard to escape dad jokes these days. Whether on dating profiles, in print, or those told by your actual dad, these jokes never seem to get old. The advent of the internet and social media has meant they now also live on in meme form. Dad memes are the perfect way to illustrate bad puns and classic jokes that dads love. 

To celebrate the greatness of the dad joke in meme form, we have collected 30 of the funniest dad mems on the internet. Read on and prepare for a few minutes of chuckling. 


1. Is He Really Even Your Dad?


Taking an image of Homer Simpson to sum up this meme, it’s hard to disagree. We’ve all come home and found dad like this on the couch. 

2. Tirelessly 


Here is the first of many classic dad joke memes. These are the sort of dad jokes that are so silly you can’t help but crack a smile. 

3. We Have No Money


This dad meme perfectly sums up how most dads would react. You can’t expect to be saving money if you’re leaving the lights on. 

4. Dads a Little Rusty


This is a funny meme accurately depicting how many dads want to make sure you are aware it’s been a while since they played. That way, if they lose, they have an excuse. Smart thinking. 

5. A Real Hero


Who else’s dad would do the same? Another hilarious dad meme. 

6. Say What Now?


The last thing you want is to get involved in a heated conversation with your date’s dad. Especially during the early days. This image is exactly how most guys would react. 

7. Mom>Dad


Dad might be the fearless leader of the family, but there is one person even he won’t mess with: mom. This one will give everyone a good laugh, especially your mom. 

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