Tattoos with meaning

What Does Rope Tattoo Mean?

The average person does not think of ropes on the daily basis very much. This is untrue to sailors however. Whether you are a sailor in the Navy or a sailor who sets out to sea for a day of fishing, you make great use of one of the best tools you have out in the open sea which is, the rope. Ropes not only hold the boat close to the dock, they are used for countless number of things on the boat itself. Having a rope on deck is extremely vital to sailors; from those who work on a 130 thousand pound oil tanker to those who simply take their sailboats out for a day on the lake, the rope is a pure necessity.

When it comes to ropes, knots are second nature. A strong and sturdy rope should be able to fasten whatever knot you may tie it up in. There are literally thousands of different knots that can come from a rope. Down below will be examples of rope tattoo designs, styles, placements, and the meaning and symbolism of such a tattoo.


Ropes and Knots

Sailors are known for using a ton of different knots when it comes to holding down or fastening objects to the boat so the back and forth rocking of the waves does not send the said object flying off the side. Not only are ropes and knots the best way to hold down cargo on a ship, they can be used for numerous other reasons. Using ropes as a way of holding the ship at dock has been the best, and oldest, way of doing so.

Using ropes while the sailors and crew are working on the ship is another important feature of the rope. Passing tools along to other crew members if one crew member is in a spot where it is hard to access the tools is another way ropes and knots are used. Tying a knot around a tool bag for instance and hoisting it up in the air to the next person makes the job a lot more convenient and safe. Although ropes may not look as if they are very strong, the strength of them is incredible. Different knots may also have a part in the strength of the rope also. If the knot that is tied is not strong enough, the knot will eventually break loose and either untangle itself or break apart thread by thread until it snaps. A strong enough knot however, will make it difficult for this to happen. This is why sailors and fishermen are trained in tying knots with rope. It is a means of life or death when it comes to knowing how to tie a proper knot out at sea. The unpredictable may happen out there in the middle of nowhere and you may have nothing left to save you other than a rope and a good knot technique. Boy scouts are also another group that specializes in the use of ropes and knots for likewise reasons.

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