Tattoos with meaning

What Does Match Tattoo Mean?

Humans have been forever fascinated with the idea of fire. Without the discovery of fire, humans would have probably not have lasted as long as we have, fire is one of the elements that we use so often throughout everyday life that we tend to even take it for granted without realizing it. Once we have mastered the idea of fire and learned how to start fires, we as humans invented our very own ways to ignite flames and the devices we use are so small and simple they can fit right in our pockets. Before we had lighters that we can conveniently purchase at just about any corner store or market, we had matches which are still used to this day. Matches have an old school feel to them for this reason, and this is what also makes them so unique. A simple wooden stick or even cardboard with a mixture of chemicals that combined creates a flammable substance when struck against something rough enough to cause friction to ignite a flame that in which burns for a short period of time, or just enough time for you to light something on fire. This device has been a part of human history for as long as they have been around. Not only is this an object that can help us out in real life situations, the image of a match can also be taken as a symbol that figuratively speaks to us. Down below are examples and different designs of a ‘match’ tattoo.

What is the Match Tattoo Symbolism?

The image of fire by itself sparks a lot of interest in people and to everyone it may mean something different. The element itself however is a very powerful force that without proper supervision can become extremely destructive. Fire is our friend however, without it, there would be nothing to warm ourselves with in the cold winter months, there would be no way to heat up or even cook food. Last but not least, it would be nearly impossible to see our way through the dark without fire or camp fires. This is what makes fire so important to humans, so it is only natural that the symbol of fire or flames being ignited by a match is such a strong piece of imagery. The symbolism behind a lit match shows that there is a light to look toward, even through the darkness you can find your way from the light of a match.

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