Health & wellness

Rajakapotasana (Pigeon Pose) – How to Do and Their Benefits

Yoga asanas could be polished by everybody regardless of their well being and age. Yoga postures have been isolated into essential/ amateurs’, middle and progressed sorts. Individuals hone asanas as per their yoga levels. Rehearsing yoga consistently helps in you in staying fit and restored.


Rajakapotasana is otherwise called ‘king pigeon posture’. It contrasts a bit from the pigeon posture in yoga. This asana has its name inferred from the Sanskrit term “raja” which signifies ‘ruler’, “kapota” which signifies “pigeon” and “asana” which signifies “stance” or ‘carriage’.

Rajakapotasana can likewise be arranged under extraordinary back bend postures and is frequently ordered under progressive type of yoga asanas. This article not only provides you with a step by step guide to practice this pose with precision but also lists the various benefits, variations, precautions and tips associated with Rajakapotasana Pose.

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How to Do Rajakapotasana and Its Benefits:

1. The Pose:

  • To start this stance, you ought to first come to Adho Mukha Shvanasana (Downward Facing Dog). At that point, present your right knee so it rests behind your right wrist.
  • Next, curve your right knee and smooth it on the ground, so that your knee touches your right hand, and your toes touch your left hand. In the meantime bring the left leg down on the ground.
  • Let your lower back extend by presenting your tailbone forward and down so that your pubis is pulled to your navel. The left half of your hip ought to come towards your right heel so that the left crotch is extended.
  • Twist your left knee and with your left hand scope for your left foot.
  • Bring your head over till the sole of your feet touches the highest point of your head or is near it. Stay in this position for about a few minutes.

See More: Salamba Sirsasana

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